HealthTech continues to push the boundaries of how healthcare is delivered and has the power to create breakthroughs in our understanding of disease. The integration of healthcare and technology is blurring the lines between the two, improving patient care services while also increasing access, affordability, and cost savings. While the Healthtech sector continues to grow, it also faces a number of challenges that are in need for entrepreneurial minds who are change-makers!


  • EMR System

    • Most Hospitals / Clinics don’t have proper health records or even simple tools to capture patient data, and even if these exist, records are usually in paper form.
    • This makes it harder for healthcare systems to Identify high-risk patients, have data-driven decision-making, generate RWE or registries.
    • There is a clear need for simple EMR systems that can work as plug-and-play in these accounts.
    • And a need for a solution to convert paper forms to electronic records on a large and fast scale.
  • Patient Engagement Channels

    • Especially post-Covid, patient needs are more complex and dynamic, where the direction of healthcare is moving towards a mix of virtual and in-person care.
    • Large pharma companies provide patient support programs which are mainly around affordability programs to ensure patient access and adherence to medication.
    • But still lacking beyond-the-pill services like patient education, dose reminders, and navigating through reimbursement options.
    • We need to rethink how to best deliver patient information and services.
    • While the healthcare system lacks channels of communication for HCPs or Pharma companies with patients.
    • There is a need for solutions / platforms that connect patients with healthcare providers, pharma companies, and other stakeholders that address patient needs.
  • Anticipate the impact of the change in HCP engagement, Investment allocation , other external factors over sales progress something like Medicalytix

    • The unification and cleanup of HCP data is expected to lead to more efficient and effective investment allocation in HCP engagement. Will be able to better identify which HCPs are most important to their business and allocate their resources accordingly. This will lead to a better return on investment for pharmaceutical companies.
    • Impact of the change on other external factors over sales progress:
      • The unification and cleanup of HCP data is expected to have a positive impact on sales progress. By improving the ability to target and engage with HCPs, pharmaceutical companies will be able to generate more leads and close more sales.
      • Additionally, the increased efficiency and effectiveness of HCP engagement initiatives will lead to a better return on investment, which can be reinvested in sales and marketing activities.